Product Data Monitoring and Pricing Automation

Yprice is the tool for Brands to monitor products across online retailers and for e-commerce owners to automate and compare pricing across competitors.

For Brands

Price Monitoring

Monitor your product’s pricing strategies across online retailers to make sure that they are meeting your brands recommended pricing.

Stop manually monitoring prices across the web and get to know your product’s pricing history and trends.

Get alerts about price changes.

Inventory Tracking

Track product availability across online retailers to make sure that your products are always available.

Check inventory history and stock quantity or availability by each product and online retailer.

Get alerts about stock drops.

Content Monitoring

Improve product content across the web to make sure that it complies with the correct content and guidelines.

Our content matching system will analyse product titles and descriptions to let you know if it complies with the original content.

Automate the process of reviewing titles, descriptions and images of your SKUs.

For e-Retailers

Price Comparison

Compare all your catalog pricing with other retailers and competitors.

Get to know their pricing strategy and promotions across all SKUs.

Get alerts about price changes.

Data Monitoring

Monitor every product’s content, stocks and reviews across competitors.

Analyse data to discover market trends and competitor behaviours.

Dynamic Pricing

Stop the hassle of manually editing each product price and the guessing of the best pricing strategy option.

With Yprice you can automate all your catalog pricing trough the setup of rules that can be applied to all or part of the catalog. These rules may be based on competitor’s behaviour and your own sales, pricing and cost data.

Get alerts about your store price changes.

Brands using Yprice

Some brands and retailers using Yprice to boost their business through data

Ready to go?

Talk to us and get to know more about how Yprice can be a game changer for your brand or e-commerce business.

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